Quarantine aint got nothing on this squad. (credit Kristin Ludwick Photography)

Quarantine aint got nothing on this squad. (credit Kristin Ludwick Photography)



What a year, huh? I mean….DAMN.

We all lived it, we are all still living it, and we are doing our best.

2020 was what it was, but in a lot of ways, could have been worse. The Frederick Tribe is a resilient, noble tribe, known for their love of music, food, road trips, tropical vacations and being the loudest tribe in all the land.

In ways that pained us, other ways allowed us to prosper. To get better at things. To experience firsts, and do the most important thing a tribe can do; create experiences, wonder and tradition. Firsts, like making “social-distancing”, “Virtual Learning”, “masks”, and “bidet” part of our everyday vocabulary.

It was a somewhat whimsical time. It was new. We drew chalk drawings on the sidewalk for people to see, and put different shapes and messages in our windows for other kids on a walk to point at. We stocked up on necessities, like TP, rice, booze and supplies for our new hobbies. We made questionable hair/fashion/self-care choices, but it didn’t matter. The only things that mattered was that our sourdough starter was fed, the internet was working, and that we were safe and healthy.

We baked, danced, dressed in silly outfits, took backyard camping trips, watched a ton of movies and went swimming at night under the spring and summer moon, and when allowed, we went to the beach as much as possible, discovered a few new tide pools to play in, and even managed to squeeze in a quick weekend trip to Big Bear.

School and work were the same challenges; kids distant from their friends, as the laughter and sharing of 26 kids at once in a Zoom filled the background of the adults trying to work. They did the best they could with what they had, and they took it in stride. We learned as adults, to take 10 minutes to breathe, and then 10 minutes to help with a LEGO set, or a snack before the next call. Our morning routine wasn’t so much as setting out clothes or prepping lunches, but making sure their Chromebooks were online, and their workbooks were set up on their beds. Having never left the house, we forgot where our shoes, car keys, backpacks, jeans, and hell, our wallets were. “Playdates”, “reservations”, “opening day” and “seeing a show” were now as strange to hear or say as our new vocabulary was in January.

But we did it. It wasn’t easy.

We felt pain when we lost our friend, little Leeloo Dallas Multipass (RIP) but found joy a few months later when we gained two new friends, a brother and sister named Wayne and Katy. (sound familiar?) Figure it oot.

As we enter our second adventure in place, we are ready. We are ready for whimsy, adventure and life. Whatever the future brings, bring it.

2020 was a really messed up year, but we crushed it as a family.

Here’s wishing you all the best in health, safety and love this holiday season and into 2021.

Love, Mick, Lauren, Logan and Dahlia (John-Taco, Gertie, Wayne and Katy also send their regards)


Nothing says comfort like some winter jamz.

Nothing says comfort like some winter jamz.